I told you a confetti cake was going to land here soon.
The inspiration this time was the real confetti cake by Pretty Simple Sweet, though my cake has no sprinkles on the top and it has glazed cherries as well.

Part of the inspiration were also my confetti cupcakes from a few days ago; I thought a matching cake was needed to complete the look.

I don't only make miniature cakes.
I love to bake! And making real cakes and cupcakes was the reason I became so obsessed with making miniature ones when I found polymer clay.
It was by partner's birthday yesterday so of course I jumped at the opportunity of making his favourite cake, a variant of Mary Berry's celebration cake with Bournville chocolate frosting instead of cream cheese. We call it the Bournville cake, so I know exactly which one he wants when he requests it ^_^
I took lots of pictures to use as reference, so I apologize if I make you hungry ^_^
I hope I didn't leave you craving cake too much and that you're having a wonderful week,
Thank you so much for reading and I'll catch you next time with item #10 on my "30 Days of polymer clay food prompt" list, chocolate bars.
Love, Mai

PS: Just in case you were wondering how my Anthurium plant was doing given her looks on my "Meringue Kisses" post, I am pleased to inform you that she's doing great and recovering pretty fast.
She is the massive leaf on the left, which in my previous post was dead flat on the table. The time away from me, when I went to Argentina and I left her to the mercy of my partner, took a toll on her.
Given the current circumstances, we couldn't invite humans over so we just had a private get together with our plant friends and our bunny.
The dracaena was a little annoyed she had to look at the cake from the far corner in the lounge ^_^
MMMMM. That looks so delicious! Thank you Maive!