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30 Days of Polymer Clay Food!

Hello intrepid adventurers! Welcome to Jumanji!

No, that doesn't sound right.

Hello polymer clayers! Welcome back to my blog!

Today I have something different for you.

Only a few days ago, I worked on a miniature tarte aux fraises to cheer up my mum on her birthday and because it took me longer to make than anticipated (I couldn't get the mould of the base to get all the details) I found myself wishing "Wouldn't it be a dream if I could make something different every day and actually finish it?" Haha.

Miniature Tarte aux fraises pour maman

So that's when I started making a list in my head of things (a lot of things!) that I'd either want to try or revisit, and soon realized I was basically making up a 30 days of miniature food sort of challenge.

This is not meant to put pressure on you but to relax you and give you ideas to help you practice everyday, or as often as you can, to help you improve your polymer clay food.

Feel free to mix the prompts around, to switch the flavours, to play around with scales, make something big, make something small, make a whole bunch or just a loner.

Feel free to adapt them in ANY way you want.

If food isn't your thing but you'd still want to push yourself a little, change things up and write your own list of animals, flowers, etc.

If there's anything you've been meaning to practice, replace it with something on the list.

The whole point is to keep your mind active and focused on something for even 20 minutes a day. You do not need to finish each project in one day or do them in 30 days straight.

Take YOUR time and enjoy the ride.

Feel free to save and print the list of prompts (or download from the tab on my website) so you can tick off or highlight the prompts as you complete them, maybe highlight those you want to work on first, it's up to you.

Save me and print me!

I hope you'll find this fun and if you do, let me know so I can think of new prompts and start all over again :)

You don't have to post your progress on social media if you don't want to, but if you do, you can use the #30daypolymerclayfoodprompt on Instagram so we can keep track of each other's work.

Thank you so much for taking an interest in joining in this exercise and I'll catch you next time,

Love, Mai


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