Hi there, nice to see you again.
I'm very happy to show you my latest creations all inspired by food and the healing and therapeutic nature of colour. I love to work with colours, not only because it makes me feel good while working with them, but also because I know how powerful they can be and how they can brighten your mood instantly, and knowing that, made me feel even better about creating them for you.
I wanted to create life-size, yummy looking food from polymer clay for the longest time, miniatures aren't enough for me sometimes! I also want them to be functional items that one can use everyday and bring happiness to whoever sees them. So this week I've been working on (almost) life-size doughnuts that I can turn into a bag-charm or magnet upon request. The doughnuts come in three different flavours; chocolate, strawberry and chocolate with sprinkles and they all have scented icing and a juicy strawberry on top.
As for mini food jewellery, I created chocolate cupcake earrings and necklaces with juicy strawberry halves. I had been working on this design for some time, but I was never 100% satisfied with the strawberries; I think I made about 6 different strawberry canes which were all the stepping stones to this one you see here. Strawberries are my favourite fruit and I like to use them on almost everything, not just because I love them, but also because they feel like my "signature" ^_^ If that makes sense.
Thank you so much for reading and I'll catch you next time,
Have a great weekend,
Love, Mai